Wow... that was a ride.... wisdom beyond all.... I really truly think that you yourself are still wrestling with this lol I know you just body slammed me lol

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Scott, We Thank you for the clarity. M’s❤️

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This is truly wisdom from God, Scott. I also see this clearly illuminated by Paul in a sound and logical manner. I know some are reluctant to even think about the salvation of the Adversary, but we were all adversaries to God at one time. It’s the Hitler argument on steroids. The greater the adversary, the greater the grace. Additionally, this being was given a role that was pivotal to the success of God’s operation, and will have carried it out to the fullest in accord with God’s will. The same is true of our Lord as Savior. I think there will be many surprises among the celestials that we will witness once we are among them. Grace and peace to you brother 💗

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