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You have it exactly right IMHO, Scott, and thank you for your sound assessment. My understanding of the scripture, as resented by Paul and the words of Jesus, is that generally people find it difficult to conceive of the reality of a spiritual parallel universe - the Kingdom of God.

Jesus spoke of not being 'of this world' (the material world) and demonstrating other-worldly powers that appear as miracles to mere mortals. This is the crux of the message for me:

"On arriving at the place, he said to them: “Carry on prayer so that you do not enter into temptation.” And he withdrew from them about a stone’s throw away, and he bent his knees and began to pray, saying: “Father, if you want to, remove this cup from me. Nevertheless, let, NOT MY WILL, BUT YOURS TAKE PLACE. [Luke 22:40-42]

Even Jesus deferred to His father's will and this was my lesson learned long ago and how I have lived my life dwelling in my Creator's house. (Psalm 91]



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