Jeff Childers had a video posted today where Donald Trump is talking about Peace and Safety isn't this an indicator for one of the (bad) end time actors?

Trump isn't much of a unifier, obviously; he doesn't seem like a leader who would lead the masses astray. That's just not how he rolls.

But, if I were to pick one world-leading figure to be in on the things you talk about, it would be him. His uncle worked with Tesla and took over his papers. If anyone had a way into the wormhole, these guys would be in on it.

And it seems like Trump can see into the future at times and act in accordance with it.

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Thank you. I understand fully, as obviously, He knows our comings and goings.

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Help me to understand if this is a support of the belief of predestination. Thank you.

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Predestination is a theological debate, this is more that God is God and He tells the end from the beginning and has written the script before any of us existed, and is executing it perfectly according to His plan. For this, scripture leaves no debat. Grace and peace.

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I recently learned of Leo Taxil, who made up the Albert Pike quote and had a pretty grand reveal of this narrative that seems to be a lynchpin of many narratives swirling around.


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Only needed to be said to your comment is: Lucifer is master of deception.

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Good scripture Scott, thank you. For me it's simple but it has taken me a lifetime to understand that it is God's Will for me today. Thus I willingly humble myself to His Will in the NOW and accept that whatever occurs in the day is His Will.

Thus I have to forsake my ego, my plan for me today, and allow the angels to work in my daily life (by bringing people to me as required). It happens to me every day and minor miracles occur often, taking me forward in faith, especially when I fall off the narrow path - which is often I might add for I am imperfect, but I am forgiven if I repent to my Great Creator.

I have inherited sin and imperfection from our first father, Adam. (Genesis 8:21; Romans 5:12). And to that inherited sin of Adam, I add the many, many sins that I personally commit due to my imperfection. [Romans 3:23; Jason 3:2; 1 John 1:8]

I thus remain content in my own skin, at peace knowing the grace of my Lord in the Heavens.



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Our Father, Who art in Heaven, Hallowed by Thy name.

Thy kingdom come, THY WILL BE DONE, On earth, as it is in Heaven.

Give us this day, our daily bread.

And forgive us our trespasses; as we forgive those who trespassed against us.

And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil.

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Thank you Jeff - you have materialised the prayer I say every day in the early hours at dawn when I feed the birds by our babbling brook. It is a time of peace and serenity as my birds swoop and stall to pick up their bread. It fills me with joy and peace as I start the day asking knowledge of His Will for me today.

There is more to our world than mere material trinkets.



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Blessings to you too, AP. What beautiful and marvelous things you have developed. Thank you for sharing.

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Thank you for that comment. Its a wonderful comfort to me that God will make everything right one day, even our own sin. We are more than forgiven, we are justified (made right) through Christ's work (Romans 5:18-19). Grace and peace to you.

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A good read about this and all that is planned is the book by Dr. John Coleman, The Conspirators Hierarchy: The committee of the 300. There is a copy you can read online on Howbadismybatch

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This article is satanic, it mixes truth with lies. Everyone will not be saved eventually, those who believe on the Lord Jesus Christ will be with Him forever. Those who don't will be punished in the lake of fire forever. Repent!

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The lake of fire is the 'second death' as defined in scripture. Christ Jesus abolishes 'death,' (all death) according to 1 Corinthians 15:27. How else could God become All in all that die in Adam as 1 Corinthians 15:21-28 clearly teaches? Review the scripture I provided and see if this is not true. Timothy says that God wills all men to be saved and works all according to the counsel of His will (1Tim2:4, Eph1:11). How dare anyone claim that the cross is not strong enough to save and needs human 'free will' to be effective. Its God that gives belief...Its God that saves through His Son. I would review the scripture and be careful as to what you call satanic. Grace and peace to you.

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I nearly responded to this myself, as I suffered years of mental torment as a result of the demonic teaching that our loving Father and the Savior of the World would do such a terrible thing as consign even a tiny part of his beloved creation to torture or annihilation.

It took a whole decade away from that teaching for me to be able to see the truth:

Everyone and everything will see and welcome the truth, and will be filled with HIS life and love.

His protection and loving kindness is over ALL his works.

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I know the scriptures and I know the God of the scriptures, you are deceived and you are twisting the scriptures to your own destruction. The book of James says that death is synonymous with separation, death does not mean annihilation. The Bible says that the body without the spirit is dead, the person hasn't ceased to exist but their mode of existence has changed. The second death is eternal separation from God's grace, mercy, love and blessings forever in the lake of fire, which is described as eternal punishment, torment, fire and darkness. Let God be true but every man a liar, beware: James 3:1.

You have been warned.

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James was writing his letter to Israel saints during the tribulation, which has nothing to do with the scripture that I presented. Perhaps you could comment on the scripture used and explain how they are being twisted? Scripture says that Christ died for 'sin' and yet YOU SAY that 'sin' will separate us from God forever? Did Christ die for sin or didn't He? Instead of warning me...I would be concerned as to what you are going to say to Christ at judgement as to why you don't believe that He accomplishment salvation for humanity at the cross, so that He needed your 'free will' to make it real. Again, I presented the scripture. Nothing twisted, just refusal on your part to believe what God has said. Read Galatians to understand why James said the things he said. Grace and peace.

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Time will tell if this is true, but I pray it isn’t.

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I am not buying that these puppet masters are hoping there's a world war. Do you actually believe they'll be content to live the rest of their lives in underground bunkers while the rest of the world on the surface are all dead from nuclear fallout?

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Their plan is not to be living underground in bunkers. They have specific places to live that will be untouched. On top of that, they have traded their 'humanity' for power, money, and fame in exchange for doing what their celestial masters command. Many already enjoyed their pay off. On a side note, I don't believe there will be nuclear fallout because nukes will not be used. They may blow shit up and say it was a nuke in order to get a reaction from the people, but I don't think they will be used. Remember, people were living in Nagasaki and Hiroshima days after those bombs went off. What fallout? Thank you for the comment.

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Agreed Scott. There are no nuclear bombs. Nagasaki and Hiroshima were either fire bombed or DEW attacks. Cancer rates were not found to be atypical in either city either. No one died from “nuclear radiation” at Fukushima either. Or at Chernoble or 3 mile island. All the deception has been used to cause fear and distrust of nuclear radiation and to deter us from using nuclear energy, the cleanest electricity source, as well.

The other BS fear porn is the dreaded EMP over the US.

All scare deceptions.

Great article by the way.

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Sounds quite speculative.

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perhaps, we'll see.

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This is an argument I think about a lot. Since one of the deep state's main instruments of power is fear, may be the effects of nuclear contamination may have been greatly exaggerated to the public. I've seen some posts that make plausible arguments to this effect.

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lol...I just made the comment above to another person that people were living in Nagasaki and Hiroshima days after the bombs went off. On a side note, I don't believe there will be nuclear fallout because nukes will not be used. They may blow shit up and say it was a nuke in order to get a reaction from the people, but I don't think they will be used. Just my opinion. Fear, as you say, is their greater strategy.

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I think the nuclear weapons that exist today are a thousand times more powerful than those dropped on Japan. Hence the fallout would last a lot longer.

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Great discourse. Thank you. I know what you've laid out in this article is true. It's so difficult to explain to others who don't know God is All. It's just a knowing that permeates everything. It all comes back to Him.

Even when I exercise free will and make mistakes. That's why I pray for knowledge of His will and the power to do it.

Jesus did IT and I'm so grateful. All Glory to God.

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Amen! Romans 11:36 sums it up. Grace and peace to you.

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The USA has become ATM of foreign wars like Ukraine and Gaza: why?


WARNING: the next psy-op?


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Thank you.

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As an alcoholic I was ruled by self, self will run riot. After years in AA and then learning what my real problem was from Dr Harry Tiebout, did I finally have a cure for my disease. I drank to cure my alcoholism, to get away from my narcissistic, omnipotent ego that speaks to me in my own voice. I will note here that I also like the effects of alcohol and can’t from a physical perspective stop after the first drink.

So now armed with knowledge of my problem I can go on with the steps

.Step1. Admitted I was powerless over alcohol and my life had become unmanageable. This means if I drink I won’t stop but more importantly my life had become unmanageable (the important part is it’s my thinking sober or drunk that is unmanageable.

Step 2. came to believe a power greater than myself could restore me to sanity (soundness of mind). This means to pray until we know the prayer will come true. I do this I read manuscript on when and how to pray. I also studied intensely Emmet Fox to learn how to pray. Now that I believe in a power greater than myself can help me in this dimension. I suggest starting with Emmet Fox, the Golden Key and then to Sermon of the Mount”. And finally the Lords Prayer.

step 3. Turn our will and our lives over to the care of God. This requires constant contact with God. My prayers are not “parroted like I used to say it”. My prays are for guidance and to be with me. And of course the best prayer of thanking him for the good things in my life.

One last thing I’d I will mention is the need to maintain a moment to moment relationship with God. The vultures (my ego) are standing over me when I wake up. The good thing is I can’t have God (love and humility) and this ego (constantly judging myself and others) in my thoughts at the same time. So when I see I start to have hateful, condescending thoughts I turn to God. This is moment to moment. I love life in the now (the present because the past is over and the future never arrives.

I will leave you on a positive side. Jesus gave us the Lord’s Prayer. In the first words dispels all the racial and ethnic division. He stays the pray Out Father. He didn’t say My Father but our Father. We are all children of God.

God I offer myself to thee, to do with me as you will.

Remove me from the bondage of self that I may better do Thy Will

Take away my shortcomings that victory over them may bear witness to those who still suffer of Thy Power, Thy Love and Thy way of Life.

May I do Thy will always



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Thank you so much for your testimony. You have learned more from AA than people do in a lifetime attending church. Another verse for your arsenal and mine is Romans 8:33:34, which tells us that God does not indict us and Jesus does not condemn us. God justifies us and Christ died for us. So any condemnation, sin, evil thought...is dealt with and will not be held against us. Grace and peace to you.

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Same to you my friend

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I do the same moment to moment surrender of my thoughts to His will to live moment to moment with Him. It's a humbling and glorious way to live. Though it gets a little tedious at times with my ego trying to intrude at every turn. Though less so with practice. Sigh...

Thank you for describing the process so well.

All Glory to God. Thank you, Jesus.

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Satan does not know the future. He can only plan evil without knowing the outcome. Only God knows the future.

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"The words of 33rd degree freemason Albert Pike . . . ".

He also talked about Nazis, that didn't exist back then. It is most probable that his whole letter is a much more recent fake!

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Maybe...I believe that these people have contact with ancient celestial beings that can make plans far in advance of manifestation here on earth. So, just because Nazis didn't exist, doesn't mean plans were not in place...or it is a recent fake...either way, the plan is there.

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Possibly: He's a bit like Aleister Crowley... Thoroughly odious, constantly popping up like a poisonous toadstool in the wierdest, most unlikely of circumstances... 🤔

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And now we have "poisonous toadstool[s]" popping up all over the place . . . at the WEF, the UN, the WHO, all over D.C., running Big Pharma, the big Foundations, Big Tech, ETC.!!!!

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