Dec 5, 2023Liked by Scott Hicko

This is such an excellent teaching. Clear, understandable and true! Thanks for all your hard work, Scott.

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Dec 5, 2023Liked by Scott Hicko

I don’t understand why people want a hell to be a real place of torment, in the first place. What did Jesus do on the cross? Was it not enough to set the captives free? What about all the scriptures you stated? It’s insulting to God and the beautiful work of Jesus to perpetuate this foul and false thinking. Arghh!!

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Matthew 25:41 “Then will he say to those on his left, Go away from me, you have been cursed into the everlasting fire prepared for the Devil and his angels.” This is from your own New World Translation. I’d rather believe in hell and be wrong than not believe in hell and be wrong. JW’s are the only Christians I know of that don’t believe in hell. Do you really believe that our God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, who destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, turned Lot’s wife to salt and destroyed everything on the earth except for Noah, his family and a handful of animals wouldn’t send the wicked to eternal damnation? The only reason hell is not scriptural to JW’s is because the editors of the Bible version they use left it out. I’ve spent the last year comparing multiple Bible versions and have come to the conclusion that the King James is the least tainted by human interpretation. Read the book By Divine Order by Pastor Mike Hoggard. Prayers for you.

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Everlasting? The Greek word used in Matthew 25:41 and Matthew 25:46 is 'aionion' (Strong's word 166). It is the adjective form of 'aion' (Strong's word 165) and it means 'agelong' or 'lasting or pertaining to an age.' God is also described as a 'consuming fire.' You must understand the words God actually used in order to understand scripture. Everlasting is not the proper translation. I encourage you to view my next substack as I will go over these. God destroys for a period of time but not forever, there is a big difference. Remember, the person that believes in eternal hell believes that Jesus Christ's work on the cross was not complete because the very sins He died for and dealt with are the same sins that will keep a person in eternal flames. Why? Because human choice? That makes the human in charge of their own destiny and actually rejects God as God because the human determines whether they are saved. This belief rejects Christ and God...so, it is far worse.

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Buddy, whoever you are, you need to read the parable of the rich man and Lazarus the beggar (Luke Ch 17.) There are no second chances.

You also need to review the "second death" that is spoken off in Revelation 20. The first death is the physical death of the body. (happens to everyone). The second death refers to the final death of the soul and resurrected body of the unbeliever.

Christ used "Gehenna" as a description of somewhere where the fire never goes out. The people understood that. Hell is a final separation from God.

Yes, God is not willing that any should perish. (1 Peter 3v9). Christ died for those who believe in Him, and His work on the cross, to provide anyone who believes in faith with salvation. That does not mean that all will receive unconditional forgiveness. "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No man comes to the Father except by Me".

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Its a parable, David. It is part of multiple parables that discuss the pharisees and the Jews related to the circumcision and how these priests took the high places. This has nothing to do with heaven and hell. How do you get to heaven? This parable explains that the rich man is in hell because he was rich and Lazarus is in Abraham's Bosom (not heaven) because he was poor. You are taking this literal when people are actually in a dead man's Bosom? But, its good to know that all poor people will be in heaven since this is what you think is being taught. Not right.

Geheena is not a description its a really place that burns continually to get rid of dead bodies and waste. Why would Jesus use a description and not describe the actual eternal hell? That is because there is no mention of a place of endless torture in scripture. It is just false descriptions that people like you have invented to prove a non-existence place to be real.

As for your other arguments, where does belief come from? Romans 12:3, Ephesians 1:4, 2Tim1-9-11. Review these verses to know that nobody can believe unless God has chosen them to believe. It is true that nobody comes to the Father except through Christ. However, everyone comes through Christ, eventually, that's the complete work of the cross that you deny: Romans 5:18-19, 1 Cor15:21-28, 1Tim4:10, Colossians 1: 15-20. Perish is not eternal torment. All those that perish will, after judgement, be resurrected.

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Revelation 6:8 states the Pale horse and the name sitting on the pal horse was Death and Hell followed him. Does that mention of Hell count?

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Count for what? The word hell is not used in that verse. Just because you read the word 'hell' in an English bible does not mean that 'hell' was used when written in Greek, which is the language of Revelation.

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i find this kind of thing v helpful when researching words:


as a tribal Englishman (pict/norse) and one who "dwells behind a hedge" that my surname, as that we undersatnd that words are "spells" and words are also code, for example chi xi stigma, meaning 600, 60 and 6 in Greek, but it not necessarily the number or word it is often the code in image/heiroglyph etc, the visual code passed down through many ages, hidden in plain sight.

Go study the visual images of chi xi stigma and you will hopefully understand the steaganographic context...

In a similar way "dog latin" is used extensively to keep the slaves in England energetically tethered, for example:

Mortgage, the method by which a slave "buys" the property/land he lives in/on (not withstanding that said slave is often blind to the fact that said land was stolen from him, in the case of England we have "enclosures" act)

Now lets break the little fucker down

Mort.... death

Gage.... to gag, throttle, deprive of air

Thus: mortgage= a grip around your throat to deprive you of enough air, yet keep you just about functioning until... the...day.... you ...die

I am one of the few foolhardy Souls who took the English imposed system by the love spuds and kept on twisting until they gave me back what was rightfully mine

Bizzarrely in our nation if you encourage others to do the same they villify you, brainwashing has unique and targetted "territorial" methodolgy, what works in one place does not in another..

When tasked with fore warning Us (actually their future selves, but thats another story) our ancestors were aware of the tricks that would be played by the dark ones to corrupt their words to a darker purpose...

What im saying is that contained within "scripture" often in visual and other methods of metaphor are the actual images/code that CANNOT be erased by subsequent "versions" and "translations" when the imagery/code is viewed for what IT IS

The Hebrew scholar Shmuel Asher has contributed heaps to this area/field

It is (as most will now agree) very late in the day, viewing things in their true context is paramount in surviving at Soul and indeed Phyiscal level the deceptions laid before us..

The first mistake in any form of conflict is to misjudge ones adversary... as a funny "meme" i once saw said:

Did you think taking down a 6000 yr old death cult would be easy?

If you continue to chew over bastardised versions of text you will be (intentionally by your adversary) challenged to glean the true meaning, i hope that helps

Ps stongs concordance of Apokolyse

"the removing of the veil of deception from the eyes of the Gentiles"

We are all amalek and if you aint one of us, you are one of them

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This concept is not unlike the confusion around the description of israel, in that "israel" is a spiritual Realm of God, a place in humanitys hearts and souls... NOT a physical region of our realm where pious "religion" gives a certain group (or so they think) the permission to genocide the indigenous population......

Via the schofield study bible (funded by the rothschilds) a "fundamental zionist christian" myth has been implanted into several generations of gullible ame-ri-cans to create a situation where they are willing to murder millions, perhaps billions in the misguided reasoning that their assistance to the synagogue of satan will bring forth a "messiah", it would bring forth something, that is certain, but this would not be The Creators representative in this Realm... it would be the opposite

star of david? star of rephalm, saturnian, f.a.c.t

This is now "in yer face stuff", so many are catching on and very fast, so fast that it is causing the "teccy" depts of the "s of s" to work super overtime to try (in vain) to shut it down, aint appening no matter which "threads" you created, which "threads" you control We are on your case, it was also so...

More here:


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Well I’m reading and quoting out of the 1611 version of KJV, that is why it counts. Unless I have underestimated your readership, none of us speak or read Greek unless they are like you Mr. Plato.

So the majority are reading the words “Hell followed”. Inconvenient but true.

Your work however does inspire much thought and causes me to re-read those verses in my KJV Bible which always tracks with your verses.

My bad, I thought your choice of verses would be consistent from your past writings. 🤷‍♂️

Now where should I get my translated Greek Bible??

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It's not necessary to get a Greek bible. Strong's concordance or any concordance will do. I'm no expert in Greek but I and you can look up what the Greek words actually mean. The concordant literal version is, in my opinion, the best version because it is a direct translation that uses one English word for each Greek word. In contrast to the KJV which uses multiple English words and apply it to one Greek word. For intance, KJV translates 'aionion' to mean 'age, world, cosmos, eternity, forever, etc.' A word cannot mean both age and eternity because they are opposites. This is one example of how the KJV makes horrible mistakes, other than using three Greek words to mean hell. I'm not sure what you mean by 'My bad, I thought your choice of verses would be consistent from your past writings.' However, I've often used the KJV in the past and quote it at times knowing the true meaning of the misused words by having a concordance and comparing word usage throughout scripture. Here is the link if you want a free copy of the Concordant Old and New Testaments: https://www.concordant.org/

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Thank you Scott. I’ll look into the concordance link. My Bible has various theologians (Men) trying to explain what I just read in certain verses, which in most cases is very helpful, but in many I often don’t always agree with.

I especially like you’re writings on predestination and lack of real free will. I’ve had my own similar thoughts as to what you write during my readings but not the part about no free will.

Also your work on, I think you are saying everyone goes to Heaven at some point, but I have trouble with that. Unless I misunderstand what you are saying.

I would really like to know your thoughts on Biblical cosmology. I believe the creation story including the firmament and sun, moon and stars all inside the firmament. Planets being named after ancient gods and are actually “wandering stars” as God said thru Jude.

I don’t believe in heliocentric solar system. The stars are a clock and all rotate around the North Star with Heaven directly above.

Please let me know your thoughts or dedicate time to tell us about your take on all that. Would God create a vast Galactic “Space” and universes and say nothing about anything except folks and activities on our earth and the end from the beginning?

Tell us when you get a chance please. That would be an awesome episode.

Other dimensions, yes most likely, but not space Infinate space with aliens from above. Demons from our own realm, yes.

Many seem afraid to address this topic.

Grace and Peace.

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Thanks, Neal. I appreciate that comment. Saying that all people go to heaven needs some explaining from my end. I am going to talk soon about how God is eternal but operates with us in ages of time, not eternity. So, the next age is the 1000 year kingdom and after that, the new heavens and the new earth age. People are saved at various times according to God's plan and many will go through the Lake of Fire. However, God will be All in all of His creation. Would you call this heaven? Not sure. But, what is sure? According to 1 Corinthians 15:21-28, the same all that die in Adam, which is everyone, are the same all that God will be All in all in. So in the end, all are with God through Christ's death, entombment, and resurrection. Check also Colossians 1: 15-20 and Romans 5:18-19 to show that this is true.

As far as Biblical cosmology, thanks for the suggestion and I will work on something with regard to that. But, you should do something on that because it seems that you have a pretty good understanding on it. I agree with everything you said. I've done some articles on the firmament, flat earth on this substack. Have you seen those? Grace and peace.

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The TAKING OF HELL IN THREE PARTS - - ( bottom line here is that GOD is no 'ritual serial abuser' as in the animal-sacrifice was performed on an un-blemished lamb w a razor sharp instrument to the jugular w swiftness and thus the ram bleeding thusly would be unconscious as it fell upon the alter . . . . . [[ even here notice that this pre-event image of the Crucifixion varies w the Actual Event where Messiah was beaten for an hour then hung to bleed-out for another 3 hours . . . .GOD did not bring about a more realistic dramatization of beating the poor animal w axe-handles for an hour and then hanging such animal upon a torture stake for an additional 3 hours . THAT would have been 'RealTV' but GOD is not into cruelty ....that's the 'other guy's' methodology ]] . . . . NOW , moving real fast , Lake of Fire depicts Hell as Gehenna which was the 'Town Dump' outside one of the 7 Gates leading in and out , where every weekend inhabitants took their cardboard boxes , broken pottery , and table scraps , discarded/broken furniture etc out there to get rid and hopefully burn it all up - - no intention of anyone getting hurt there . . . . L-O-F is GOD telling us that Mr SATAN is out of the 'creation-business' and that all his failed efforts are to be ended , and if he wishes to snap his fingers and create a Lay-Z-Boy recliner along w a wall-size wide Screen to watch MondayNightFootball .....well that's a 'no - no' and the Holy Angels take those items and shove 'em down the u-know-where ....here in Solitary is where all 'privileges' are revoked' ?!? Now GOD cannot toss Satan and his Fallen Angels and the Dis-embodied Spirits (worms that dieth not produced by the co-mingling of Fallen Angels w the womb of Human Females) into the L-O-F bc these entities are eternal - they neither 'feel' the heat nor are they dis-comforted by that heat - - what gives them agida is that the holy angels get to go home after their shift but the 'jailbirds' remain confined to their 'new digs' . . . . . . .(hey , i know it's long but we're covering the whole waterfront here) . . . . . Now let's look at the 'UNSEEN' and the 'PIT' aspects of HELL . . . So for , i guess , six maybe seven thousand years before , repeat BEFORE the L-O-F GOD utilizes a detention center aka the Pit (Bottomless) having two sides w a very very deep chasm in between aka the bottom-less-pit and the 'good-guys' to your right and the 'not-so-good' to the left . AND they one and all are represented as 'holograms' as 'phantoms' and are perfectly represented as in a state of sleep i.e. non-activity , and u can put your hand right through them as if they were an hologram but they are fully conscious as in night-dreaming or more so as in day-dreaming so that they can 'talk' i.e communicate and interact w one another , but they 'know' i.e. do nothing AND the word 'know' is here meaning 'experiencing in reality' not just thinking about it i.e. i'm here thinking about (daydreaming) raking the fallen leaves , but i'm NOT ACTUALLY RAKING LEAVES so i'm in that state of 'knowing' but incapable of DOING just like in a sleeping dream , just like the phantasmagorical state of beings in Hell w the separating gulf in between them . . . . done , thank you 4 ur patience as we covered everything, n'est-ce pas ?!? ...... ......shalom to all

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