Israel's Third Temple and 'anti-Christ' Already at work in Humans
The common human downfall from the beginning of creation to the end of the ages
In this article, I am going to compare the Tower of Babel, the first world-leader, and the temple that the antichrist will desecrate. All in an attempt to connect the common theme that will deceive nearly all of mankind.
In researching the Tower of Babel, I have come to a different conclusion. I’ve held the view that it was a portal to another dimension, a ziggurat to worship old testament gods, or perhaps something to do with DNA altering as the fallen ones where big on that.
However, in reading the Apocrypha book of Jubilees, I came across some information on this tower. Now, I know the ‘Book of Jubilees’ is not scripture but I believe many Apocrypha books contain accurate, historical information. Here is the mention of the Tower of Babel.
And they built it; Forty-three years they were building it; its breadth was two hundred and three bricks, and the height was the third of one; its height amounted to five thousand and four hundred and thirty-three cubits and two palms, and thirteen stadia.
-Jubilees 10:21
Now, I’ve done some research and its difficult to pinpoint the exact measure of a cubit in that day, but the most conservative estimate is about 1 foot. So, with that low-end measurement, the Tower of Babel was at the very least 5,433 feet. That is twice the height of the Burj Khalifa, the tallest building in the world, that stands at 2,717 feet.
- Burj Khalifa (The Burj Khalifa is a skyscraper in Dubai, United Arab Emirates). Tallest building in the world at 2,717 feet.
I honestly am now under the belief, that the Tower of Babel was built simply to get high enough to enter God’s Throne. Human achievement and human willpower (under the direction of the fallen sons of Elohim) to get to the Almighty God. The tower may have been used to worship the gods or do other nefarious things but the ultimate is ‘human achievement.’ Remember they said, “Let us build a name for ourselves.’
Hold that thought.
Next, I want to discuss a mighty King of Babylon. The land of Shinar was where the Tower of Babel was build and this area became known as Babylon (the gate of God). Babylon became the first great world kingdom, one of its kings, was named King Nebuchadnezzar.
Many things have been written about King Nebuchadnezzar but I am going to focus on the biblical account in Daniel, chapter four. Please note in these passages how and why the king’s attitude changes toward ‘self’ and God. I’ve bolded a few words for effect.
All this came upon king Nebuchadnezzar when at the end of twelve months he was walking on the housetop of the royal palace of Babylon. The king responded to all this by saying, “Is not this Babylon the Great that I myself have built for the royal house with the might of my safeguarding walls and for the esteem of my honor!”
Then, God taught King Nebuchadnezzar a lesson. The Supreme took away his kingdom and made the mighty king eat grass with cattle for seven seasons. Why did God do this?
Nebuchadnezzar endured this so that he would learn that God can do whatever He wants to any human, and in essence, the Almighty can give the kingdom to whomever He wills.
Thus seven seasons shall pass on over you until you know that the Supreme is in authority in the kingdom of mortals, and He gives it whomever He will
What was the result? Notice the king’s change from ‘self’ to God when the Almighty gave him the kingdom back.
King Nebuchadnezzar: “All those abiding on the earth is reckoned as naught; according to His will He is doing with the army of the heavens and with those abiding on the earth. And there is no one who shall stay His hand and say to Him, what have you done?
Notice what God did here. The Almighty brought the great king to the depths of despair to the point that he was eating grass with cattle. All this so that king Nebuchadnezzar would realize that his ‘human achievement, self’ had no part in building and protecting the kingdom, but God could give it to whomever He wills.
God can do whatever He wills with people on the earth and nobody can stop Him. That is what the king realized. He came to the end of ‘self’ and ‘self achievement.’
Remember, this account in Daniel takes place in Babylon…the very place where ‘human achievement’ was the driving force behind building a great tower to reach the throne of God. Are you noticing a theme?
One more: The third temple
Many Christians have predicted that the ‘snatching away’ or ‘Rapture’ will occur on a regular basis, basically, every weekend. Well, the building of the Third Temple has been predicted with about as much inaccuracy. Depending on who you ask, the temple will begin construction tomorrow or the next day, if not, then the next day.
Now, I do believe that the third temple will be built but don’t believe that it necessarily will go the way many predict. Either way, its not want I want to present.
I do want to discuss the significance of the ‘man of lawlessness’ desecrating the temple. Now, the temple doesn’t necessarily need to be a grand, ornate structure as predicted. It just needs to have the necessities to resume sacrifices. It could be a tent.
The question I want to address is how the ‘man of lawlessness’ gets to the temple in the first place.
Remember, in the Garden of Eden, the adversary didn’t yet compel Adam and Eve to worship him, but convinced them that they could become like God by eating the fruit, through their own ‘self’ act.
The apostle Paul talks about ‘self-righteousness’ more than any other sin. In fact, he wrote entire letters keeping the ‘flesh, self’ and ‘law’ out of his gospel.
Again, the Tower of Babel and King Nebuchadnezzar was all about ‘self/human achievement.’
There is a common theme throughout the entire scripture of humans raising ‘self’ and ‘human achievement’ above God. In fact, the number 666 is the number of man, that represents all that humankind can do ‘apart from God.’ People so closely relate 666 with Satan and rightly so, but its the number of humanity. This shows how powerful ‘self’ is in Satan’s work.
Satan does not present himself as God directly until the temple. The only way he can get to the temple is through human beings worshiping ‘self.’
As mentioned in previous article, the occult that runs our governments believe that ‘self-enlightenment’ is the key to evolve into greater, immortal beings.
Every religion ever created, also ran by fallen sons of Elohim, promote ‘self’ commitment and accomplishment to reach a specific deity. All religion is man’s attempt to achieve their god through ‘human achievement.’
So, back to the temple. The man of lawlessness opposes and lifts himself up over everyone termed a god or an object of veneration, so that he is seated in the temple of God, demonstrating that he himself is God (1 Thessalonians 2: 4).
In my view, the man of lawlessness can only do this if humanity has already accepted ‘self’ as their own god. Thus, the reason ‘human achievement’ and ‘self righteousness’ has been pushed throughout society and religion.
In 1 Corinthians 3:16, Paul says that ‘you are a temple of God.’ What better way can a human demonstrate the work of the man of lawlessness than to put ‘human free will’ or ‘an act independent of God’ as being the source of their future destiny apart from the will of God. Does this ‘act’ not put ‘human self’ at the seat of our bodily temple and demonstrate it to be God?
The above quote by R.M. ArceJaeger is the epitome of making man his own god and taking the place of the Almighty. Making man a ‘placer’ of his own destiny and his responsibility to achieve it makes God a mere spectator that reacts to the decision of man.
Now, before I review some scripture that disproves ‘human free will’ it needs to be understood that we make choices, we makes thousands of choices a day. However, every decision we make does not prove we have a free will, it proves that God has formed the circumstances for us to make a choice that He has already determined to happen long before the choice was every presented.
For example, in the book of Exodus, scripture says that God hardened Pharaohs heart to not let Israel leave Egypt to worship. It also says that Pharaoh hardened his own heart. Which is true?
Both! God determined beforehand that Pharaoh would harden his heart, then having created Pharaoh and ordering the circumstances of life; Pharaoh made the decision to harden his own heart. Pharaoh just responded to the absolute will of God.
Let’s look at Acts, chapter 17 where Paul says:
The God Who makes the world and all that is in it, He, the Lord inherent of heaven and earth, is not dwelling in temples made by hands, neither is He attended by human hands, as if requiring anything, since He Himself gives to all life breath and all (Acts 17: 24-26).
Paul then says:
“In Him we are living and moving and are (Acts 17: 28).
You see, we cannot give to God anything that He has not first given to us. If you have faith, God gave it to you. If you have good works, God gave them to you. In fact, Paul says that we live and move and are IN HIM. Paul said this to Heathen Greeks proving that no matter who you are, your very movement, being, and existence is in God. Nothing and no one can operate outside of or independently of God.
Any thought that a human being can act apart from their Creator is ‘self’ and feeds the flame of the antichrist system in the end times. The tower of Babel, King Nebuchadnezzar, the Temple, and the human will attest to this.
Its all a deception of raising ‘self’ above God.
The only way to be sure that you will not fall for an end-time deception of ‘self’ is to know that all is of God.
In closing, Christianity is not immune from the deception of ‘self.’ In fact, this religion can be the most deceptive. Most Christians’ teach that its a human’s faith choice or acceptance of Christ that saves them. They claim that Jesus died on the cross to save them. However, if they don’t accept Him by free will faith, then they are not saved.
So, my question is…what saves? Your faith or Jesus Christ? You can’t claim that Jesus Christ saved you if in fact, you are not saved without your faith contribution. This is ‘self’ whitewashed.
Jesus Christ saved all humanity and that’s a fact…through Him to reconcile all to Him (making peace through the blood of His Cross), through Him, whether those on earth or those in the heavens (Colossians 1:20)…and…God, Who is the Savior of all mankind, especially of believers (1 Timothy 4:10).
Human faith is something God gives to acquaint a person with the fact that Jesus saved them, not a work of ‘self’ that makes Christ’s work a fact.
Again, the only way not to fall for any end-time deception is to eliminate ‘self’ from completing the salvation process of God. Christ’s work on the cross was a complete act and doesn’t need human ‘self’ contribution in any way.
Scripture teaches that the exact same all that die in Adam will be made immortal by Christ, in the same way, by no choice of our own. We did not make a free will choice to die in Adam, nor do we make a free will choice to be made immortal by Christ. Adam gave us death and Christ gives us life.
Consequently, then, as it was through one offense for all mankind for condemnation, thus also it is through one just award for all mankind for life’s justifying.
For even as, in Adam, all are dying, thus also, in Christ, shall all be vivified.
Notice the scriptures above do not say that all die in Adam and only those in Christ or those that make a free will choice are justified/vivified by Christ. It’s parallel language: the same all that die in Adam are the same all justified and vivified by Christ.
My point? My point is there is no ‘self’ involved.
We are all saved by Christ’s death for sin, His entombment, and His resurrection. Each in his or her own order as 1st Corinthians 15:23 states.
God gives realization (belief) to some now. The rest of humanity will miss the glorious agelong life but is eventually saved through judgement or correction when they too, will come to the realization that Christ is their Savior and God is God.
Ephesians 1:4 and 2 Timothy 1:9-11 says that God chooses believers before time and the world began. If God chose a person to believe, then they come to belief at some point in their life. No free or self will involved. How can someone be free to not choose Christ when God already determined that they would?…and vice versa.
The only way to rid oneself of the deception of self and Satan prevalent throughout the ages of the bible, religion, and society which is now moving to the final end time deception, is to know that salvation is all of God!
Grace and peace to you all!
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This is brilliant for so many reasons -- among them, it vindicates a rejection of man-made religion.
This was important distinction. I am saved through Jesus Christ and Christ only. I am so thankful that God chose me to come to belief in this life...I often wish it were sooner, but that would ultimately be "self" as well, now wouldn't it? :) God bless.